You ladies have asked us to keep you informed about our students who have completed our online Body Contouring course and what they've gone on to do with it. So here we are, sharing yet another successful story. This time, we'd like you to meet Belle from The Luxe Lounge in Leeston, NZ.
Belle completed her lash training with us back in 2021 and has since been running The Luxe Lounge, her successful beauty salon located in Leeston, a short drive away from Christchurch, New Zealand.
Belle noticed there was a major gap in her local area market, no beauty salon (that she knew of), was offering Body Contouring as a service. With the huge rise in demand for this as a service, she decided she’d sign-up to our Body Contouring course and capture the market in her area. Belle has now graduated and is now taking on paying clients, who are paying up to $220 for a treatment.
While Belle loves the insane income that she’s generating just by deciding to add this service, she’s getting huge kick out of the results she’s producing for her clients. “I’m not just transforming my bank account, I’m transforming the lives of my clients.”, she told us.
Here’s at two of Belle’s client before and after shots, after just one treatment.
EXAMPLE #1: ROUNDING THE PEACH 🍑“In this before and after you can see a smoother, rounder peach, with visible definition at the glute. This treatment took 60 minutes and I charged $220.” Said Belle.
“With this treatment, I focused on the belly and abdominal area. You can see how the lower abdominal pouch is reduced in size from only one treatment! This treatment took me 60 minutes and cost $200.” Belle highlights.
When we asked Belle what she wants to achieve within the next 12 months with body contouring as a service, she told us that she’d love to spend more time on transforming client’s bodies, making them feel more confident. “Spending 20-30 hours per week on body contouring as a service would be ideal.” Belle told us. “I’d like to target and help people with their troublesome and problematic areas. I want to help them achieve their body goals.” She said.
When we asked Belle how she would achieve these goals, she told us that the plan was to trial a few of these options that she had put together which included a combination of local area marketing, social media marketing and referral (pssstt… all of these marketing ideas can be found in our Get Fully Booked in 30 Days Course):
- Putting body contouring saver packs together; e.g 5 pack, 10 pack
- Offer clients an intro offer, so they can try it for themselves
- Keep posting before and afters on social media
- Get current clients to to refer new clients
- Flyer drops in people’s letter boxes
- Leave flyers are local businesses
- Use a loyalty system where client get their 6th appointment 50% off
“I want to be earning $286,000 from body contouring alone. This doesn’t include my other treatments that I have in my salon. I have a goal that I’m going to stick to and that I am going to achieve.” She told us.
Looking at what our past students are doing, the results they are producing for their clients and the revenue they're generating, we have no doubt that Belle will reach her target. Like we say, the proof is in the pudding. AND, your clients are your pudding, pudding. x
💡Ladies if you’ve been thinking about starting our Body Contouring course here’s what Belle has to say...
“Go for it! Investing in the Body Contouring course was 100% worth the money. Locks Lash are so incredibly helpful. The Body Contouring course itself is completely informative and super easy to understand. It worked for me to study online, as I could do it at my own pace. 100% would recommend studying with Locks Lash.”
Interested in signing-up to our 100% online Body Contouring course to start taking on your very own clients?
If you have a question, or would like to have a chat to one of our training mentors, you may contact us direct by calling +61 3 9376 4426, or emailing us.
Written and published by Charmaine Schembri