The hair and beauty industry generates over 7 BILLION dollars per year in Australia!?!?!
Goods news for us…so how do you get your share of that rather large & delicious pie???
We have talked about different things you can do as promotional tools to get more customers in the door.
You can read some of them here …’How To Get More Clients’
Oh and this one is a good one too…’How To Be Busier Than Your Competition’
Here are another few fab ways to get more clients in the door…
More Stuff On Offer
Not everyone wants lash extensions (whats wrong with them right?!?!) but typically every single woman receives some beauty service.
According to research some of the top services are;
- Waxing (body)
- Spray Tanning
- Lash Lifting
- Brows (hair removal through threading, waxing or plucking)
- Brow tinting (by tint and henna)
- Injectables
- Facials and massage
- Nails
Offering some additional services, not only gives you an additional income stream, but also opens your potential market to a wider audience. By offering a couple more services to your menu and advertising them, you will spark the interest of more people.
Locks Lash now offer Lash Lifting and Henna Brow training which you can do at the comfort of your own pace and in your home.
Here are the links with more info…
Over the years consumer awareness of lash extensions has dramatically improved, however there are still many misconceptions about lash extensions out there. So educating your clients and also potential clients is essential to incorporate into your marketing and advertising.
Make sure you include that lash extensions IF applied correctly do NOT damage the natural lash.
Chicks love bargains
Grouping together things like refills and selling them in a package with a discount, will not only give you a nice cash injection, but it also locks clients into continuing to receive your services.
I get sucked into buying packages all the time…recently I tried a Charcoal Lazer Face thing. When booking in, I was told on the phone that one session costs $129 however if I purchased 3 sessions and paid in full today each session was only $89. Did I buy three sessions?? Yes I did. It was a very easy up-sell.
Many businesses these days are basing their whole business model on offering packages (think Lazer salons.)
Think of things that clients will have to come back for anyway like refills, tints and brows, spray tans etc. Make sure you stipulate your terms and conditions, including expiry, cancelation, how long each appointment is for etc.
Also it does not have to be a massive discount, just something, anything will do.