If you’re thinking about taking the dive into the Lash Tech biz, we’re sure you’ll be Interested in discovering the benefits of being employed as a technician as opposed to starting your own business. Of course, there are benefits whichever way you decide to go (and you better believe we’ll be posting another blog covering this) but for now, let’s focus on one thing at a time 😉.

We’ll also take a dive into the figures. There are plenty of questions we hear you asking (yes, we’re the lash angels looking down on you from above… in a non-creepy way, I promise), such as ‘how much can a lash tech earn?’, ‘what is the salary of a lash technician?’, even ‘what should my salary be as a Lash Technician in Australia?’. So, we’ll give you most (if not all!) of the info you need about earning a salary when you’re working as a Lash Tech. We’ll even include a table with all the nitty gritty details if you’re SUPER caffeinated and want to look at the different classifications and tiers of payments rates.

The way we see it, why become overwhelmed with a million internet tabs giving you two million different figures when you can just visit one place and be guided through? That’s where we like to come in and help.


We’ve got you! Now let’s get down to business.


What are the benefits of being employed as a   Lash Technician?

On the whole, it’s honestly just a lot simpler and easier to be employed as a tech rather than starting your own business from the ground up. These are some of the reasons: 

Insurance - sorted! This will be the responsibility of the owner of the salon, and you’ll be covered. You literally don’t have to worry. You can literally have reassurance about insurance.


Paying the rent - sorted! Not your problem!

Sweet relief! You’re likely already paying rent or a mortgage where you live! No double rent, woohoo! In fact, when you’re employed as a lash tech, you don’t need to worry about ANY expenses. Tools and equipment, covered. Water and electricity bill, covered. Toilet paper, covered. Your employer will be all over this.


Faster development/growing as a team and you’re supported. 

This is a huge positive! When you’re working in a team environment, you will have grow TOGETHER, support EACH OTHER, and develop your skills through learning from watching others! This is something you might miss out on if you decide to start your own business.


What is the salary of a Lash Technician?

Hypothetically, as a lash tech employee, you can be earning a minimum annual salary of between $42,307 - $48,724.

That’s an hourly rate between $21.41 - 24.66, or a weekly rate between $813.60 - $937.00, as a minimum. 

This is based on the Hair & Beauty Award* Rate. Basically, in Australia, this is the legal document that outlines the minimum pay rates and conditions of any one person’s employment, and it is based on 6 different classifications within the award. Depending on your employer, you might actually earn MORE than the minimum. It is simply as it sounds, a minimum rate of pay. If you’re a super hard-working employee with skills to kill (not literally. Use those tweezers wisely), your employer can pay you anything above this rate!

*Please note: this is not a traditional ‘award’. You won’t win a medal or statue… you win nothing. Actually you kinda win money when you’re practising under this award… which is kinda like winning… so I guess you’re a winner. Congratulations on the win. You’re the best. 


We’ve included more information below for your to read through, at your leisure, with a coffee in hand. Good luck on your Lash Tech journey and stay tuned for our blog covering the benefits of owning your own salon! 


MORE DETAILED INFORMATION for the heavily caffeinated:

Are you caffeinated? If so, it’s safe to read on. We’re talkin’ rates and levels, kids. You heard right.

Rates of pay table:

(Source: hair-and-beauty-industry-award-ma000005-pay-guide)

www.fairwork.gov.au › ArticleDocuments › hair-and-b…)

Level 2 – means:

  1. A make-up artist who holds a Certificate 2 in Make-up Services (or equivalent)
  2. A nail technician who holds a Certificate 2 in Nail Technology (or equivalent) or
  3. An unqualified beautician or cosmetologist.

 Level 3 – means:

  1. A beautician who holds a Certificate 3 in Beauty Services (or equivalent; or
  2. A hairdresser who holds a Certificate 3 in Hairdressing (or equivalent).

 Level 4 – means a beauty therapist who holds a Certificate 4 in Beauty Therapy (or equivalent).

 Level 5 – means:

  1. A hairdresser who holds a Certificate 4 in (or equivalent).
  2. A trichologist who is a hairdresser and holds a Certificate 4 in Trichology (or equivalent).

 Level 6 – means a beauty therapist who holds Diploma in Beauty Therapy (or equivalent). 


Breakdown of each minimum annual salary specifically for a Lash Tech bracket based on each level: 

  Level 1 – a receptionist or salon assistant

 Level 2 – Cosmetic Tattoo Artist or in training lash or brow artist in training and not certified

 Level 3 – Classic Lash Artist, Volume Lash Artist, Mega Volume Lash Artist, Brow and lash tinting, threading, brow & facial waxing with certificate.

 Level 4 – Classic Lash Artist, Volume Lash Artist, Mega Volume Lash Artist, Brow and lash tinting, threading, brow & facial waxing with certificate and experience.

 Level 5 – Classic Lash Artist, Volume Lash Artist, Mega Volume Lash Artist, Brow and lash tinting, threading, brow & facial waxing with certificate and more experience.

 Level 6 – Classic Lash Artist, Volume Lash Artist, Mega Volume Lash Artist, Brow and lash tinting, threading, brow & facial waxing with certificate, more experience and additional duties such as manager or in-house trainer.


As an example, if you have a Cert II or III or IV or Diploma in Beauty (level 2, 3 or 4), you would be paid that rate even if you are doing only brow and lash services.


So, you’re now equipped with plenty of information and new knowledge about the exact logistics of being employed as a lash technician. How good does that feel? Now get yourself ready for our upcoming blog about the benefits of working as a salon owner and starting your own business. Both of these options are exciting in their own right, and we can’t wait to hear about your experiences and journey as a budding lash tech, whichever way you choose to go!