First things first what are your charges for your full sets and refills? Working out these prices are based on the amount of time you are lashing and the amount of product used on your clients 💸
So when a client comes in for and refill you need to look at the following points:
- How many lashes are left on the eye?
- How well have they looked after their lashes? (some lashes may be in horrible condition and need a removal and full set)
- Do they have a large build-up of makeup or strip lash glue? (yep, this has actually happened to me 🙄)
- Has your client come into contact with heat and their lashes have singed and curled in?
I had implemented a zero tolerance to make-up and unclean lashes in my salon as this was happening on the regular regardless of the free aftercare I would give them and instructions to take care of their lashes 🥲
You are trying to run a salon business where you have stock, time, payroll etc, so you want to ensure your clients are coming back in for their refills with their lashes in great condition for you to spend their full appointment on refilling!
It does take some gusto to inform clients that they require a full set instead of the bi-weekly refill, but you can approach it nicely and explain why they are required a full set for this service. I am a big advocate of educating my clients, ensuring they are getting their money's worth, and not having to fork out more for not doing the aftercare. Keeping track of your clients' full sets is also a big must, so you do not have clients booking in for refills when they are indeed due for a full set.
You want to ensure that your appointments are all in order and that the services booked are in fact those services. This will assist you in finishing in time and not running over into other client appointments or even getting your lunch break in.
Here is some solutions:
- 1 rule of thumb for if you should charge infill rate or full set rate, is the 50% rule. How many lashable lashes are left AFTER you have taken off the outgrown extensions? If it's more than 50% empty then it's a new set, if less it's an infill.
- The other solution which removes any sort of 'confrontation' with the customer if it is an infill, is to simply charge per hour for them. E.g. an hour of infill is $100, then suggest how many hours they need, and let the customer decide from there.
Hope this helps!