Thinking and then making up what to post on your social media can be exhausting and time consuming!



We have put together a few top ideas of what you should and should not be posting on your business social media.


Your social media needs to be a blend of educational content, entertaining content and content displaying your product and/or services.


Also your clients are (presumably) are majority female. Think female interests and education. Think the age group you typically service - what would those people be interested in? It doesn’t have to just be about lashes, it can be about fashion, trends, DIY’s, mother care tips etc.


Post Content Ideas - Showing off your business

  1. In light of covid, your clients want and need to make sure they are safe in your salon. Do lives and posts about different hygiene practises you have implemented in your salon. This can be over various posts and lives.
  2. Let your clients know what to expect when they come in for an appointment. People are more likely to buy something if they know what they will receive. So make coming into your salon as familiar as possible with them.
  3. Introduce the team. Let them know who everyone is, what background they have etc
  4. Before and afters are always a hit! Show your work off. But don’t make it the only thing you regularly post.
  5. Tell them about different specials or discounts
  6. Reviews - get reviews from your clients and post them! You may have to ask permission to use and you may have to remove the clients emails. But get reviews and tell others about how awesome your business is!


Post Content Ideas - Education

There are numerous aftercare instructions that clients should do for their lashes. Educate them on social media. Tell & show them how to care for their lashes. Locks Lash have written up most of these aftercare tips in our free social media downloads which you can get here … (just add your own logo and salon details to each)


Clients also want to be educated on other things which interest them like fashion, makeup  tips, trends, DIY etc. Go steal popular content on these subjects from others socials and YouTube etc.


Post Content Ideas - ask engaging questions.

Do polls. Ask questions. Ask their opinion. Ask if they like or dislike a trends.

These can be on and off topic to the services and products you offer. Get your audience engaged with you.


Post Content Ideas - host Q&A’s

Take note of questions you get asked by your clients and answer them on social media.

How long do lashes last?

What are your opening hours?

How do I get longer out of my lashes?

Is there parking at your salon?

Do you do night time appointments?


Don’t & Do Post:

Don’t over share, keep it professional but at the same time let them in personally to a degree.

Your customers do want to see WHO you are and you need to tell them … but there is a fine line which you can easily topple over the ‘overshare’ line.


  • Post about personal relationship problems
  • Post about any political viewpoint on your business page
  • Don’t complain, ever, about other customers
  • Yourself in bikini’s slamming down shot’s isn’t the best look
  • Don’t name and shame your competition on social media.
  • Use words which which could offend some
  • Don’t post negative opinions
  • Drug related content
  • Photo’s of clients without their permission.



  • Post abut cute things your kids do (or other kids) but don’t overshare
  • Use spell check before posting
  • Use excellent grammar
  • Post things you want your grandmother to see. If you don’t want gran to see a post, then it isn’t a good idea to post it.
  • Help and entertain more than you sell
  • Add inspirational & funny quotes


Locks Lash have put together yet another series of social media posts you can use to help with the strain of trying to come up with more content!