There are many schools of thought on the subject of waxing before or after Brow Lamination which is why you will probably get differing ideas on it. 



Personally we would never wax before a Brow Lamination as you will have made the area more sensitive and you don't want the solutions getting into the skin. 

It's recommended you DON'T wax straight after.

HOWEVER, in saying that it's just a recommendation. I have seen many brow laminations with waxing after that were fine.

With clients that have sensitive skin or any skin conditions, I definitely wouldn't wax straight before or after, so it's really a judgement call on the person you have at the time. 


Preferably you want already waxed/shaped brows that you can do lamination on and a bit of a trim/pluck if needed. 



Tinting after Brow Lamination is fine and the only reason Henna is NOT recommended by everyone after Brow Lamination is that Henna can sometimes react to the lamination products and cause some discomfort.

I have never personally seen this myself however have seen evidence of it with other products and technicians.

It's hard to know if that was the products used, the technicians fault but again it is a judgment call you would make with the client. 

Brow lamination with shaped brows and Henna afterwards does give the best result for the client and I myself have had no issue doing this and have not had any issues reported with our products for both treatments at the same time. 


The main thing is sensitive skin or skin conditions is a BIG NO NO for doing Lamination and/or waxing and Henna at the same time.


Let us know if you have any questions about ANYTHING here: sales@lockslash.com.au ❤️