Not all courses are the same unfortunately and also fortunately.


Because there is no regulatory body governing the learning and certification of lash extensions, anyone can smash out a few videos and put them up on YouTube, or organise a class and call themselves a trainer.

So when choosing which course is right for your personal needs, there are a few important things to look out for and ask;

  1. How long has the company offering training been in business for?
  2. Is the company offering training actually a registered business?
  3. Are there testimonials from past students? What are they saying?
  4. Does the company offer on-going support?
  5. How much experience has the trainer personally had in the industry? Are they qualified to train in lashes?
  6. What is the attitude and communication like of the company and the trainers?
  7. Is the website clean and without spelling mistakes and general errors?

How long has Locks Lash been in the lash industry?
We were one of the very first companies to be establish in Australia before lash extensions became as popular as they are today.
Locks Lash have been at the forefront of the lash industry for over 10 years and are now established as the largest lash training institution in Australia and New Zealand and delivering to students world wide.


Is the company offering training actually a registered business?
Yes indeed we are. Our ‘offical’ name is actually Eye Am Beautiful Pty Ltd and we trade under our brand name Locks Lash.


Are there testimonials from past students? What are they saying?
Absolutely! We look after on a very personal basis, all of our students from the day they sign up throughout all of their career - so of course they would say nice things about us!
Locks Lash’s purpose as a company is to help establish and expand successful salons. We take this seriously and do everything in our power to achieve this - including with you!


Have a look at what some of our past students and clients say about us;


"Great, straight forward online training. This business gives in times of need and that for me makes me a customer for life! Their products rock my salon, my clients love them just as equally. I love that if I need something put together I just email them and one of their amazing team members sorts it-hassle free.every.single.time! Thanks Locks Lash FAM xx"
- Neesha Roney


"I love my LocksLash teachers, mentors and products. Training is amazingly thorough and easy to follow with a LOAD of valuable and extra information needed in becoming a LocksLash technician and a business owner."
- Helena Zhara


"Locks Lash have been absolutely wonderful at every point of contact I have made with them (from purchasing products on their website to emailing questions). The whole team at Locks Lash are super knowledgeable and always willing to help in anyway they can. Their online courses are very informative and after completion, I feel super confident to perform the service!"
- Sara Lam
Does the company offer on-going support?
We help everyone in the industry - and not just our students. If a lash tech is struggling then we are the first to offer help, guidance, knowledge and support.
All our students are assigned their own trainer to help them through every stage of becoming a successful lash technician - for life.
How much experience has the trainer personally had in the industry? Are they qualified to train in lashes?
Because we have been around for so long in the industry, we know, through experience what is correct data and what is false. We teach only scientifically proven information, not opinion.
All Locks Lash trainers have hands-on experience in the industry are hand selected and rigorously trained to deliver classes. We don’t take this subject lightly at all and have many systems of quality control to ensure the trainers are the best available.


What is the attitude and communication like of the company and the trainers?
Is it professional and friendly? Are they helpful? Do the trainer present themselves in a clean professional way? Does the company go out of their way to accommodate your personal needs?


I promise if you contact Locks Lash - the answer to all the above questions will be positive :-)


Is the website clean, without spelling mistakes and general errors?
Hopefully we live in an age where one can tell if a website looks a bit suspicious?
If it does, then I probably recommended not to train with that company.


So to close … of course we want you to train with Locks Lash!
But the REAL reason, isn’t for money, isn’t for greed, isn’t because we think we are awesome… it is simply because we know we do a good job and we know that students who train with us get what they want - which is to be an awesome kick arse lash technician made sh*t loads of moneeeeyyyyy.
So just sign up and stop fluffing around. 
If you want to become a lash tech - train with Locks Lash.
Start your journey by clicking here